Panel at PDAC – Navigating Complex Waters: Tools for Security, Conflict, and Human Rights
February 22, 2023 •

The Voluntary Principles Initiative (VPI) is organizing a multi-stakeholder in-person panel session at the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) 2023 Convention.
This panel will explain new tools designed to help mining companies and other stakeholders manage security and human rights risks in complex environments. The tools will help juniors to majors live up to human rights expectations, including respecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples, protecting women and vulnerable groups in the provision of security, understanding conflict drivers, and preventing and mitigating conflict. Panellists will employ a scenario and engage in interactive dialogue to illustrate how different tools can be used.
When: Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm EST
Where: Room 803, PDAC 2023 Convention, Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Moderator: Kaveh Shahrooz, VPI Secretariat
- Mora Johnson, VPI Secretariat
10 Steps to Maintain Security in Compliance with Human Rights (“VPs 101”)
- Kady Seguin, IMPACT
Operationalizing the Voluntary Principles through the Lens of Protecting and Respecting the Unique Needs and Rights of Women and Other Disadvantaged Groups (to be launched soon on the VPI website)
- Ben Chalmers, The Mining Association of Canada
Toward Sustainable Mining and Indigenous and Community Relationships Protocol
- Andrew Grant, Queen’s University
Conflict Prevention Tool – Developing Multi-Stakeholder Strategies
Please note that registration to PDAC is needed to attend this panel.
Visit the VPI Booth at PDAC
The VPI is hosting a booth at the PDAC Convention from March 5–8, 2023. Hard copies of the VPs 101 tool and other materials will be available at the booth. To find out more information, please click here.