Voluntary Principles workshop in Burkina Faso
September 12, 2019 •

September 26, 2019 – from 2 to 5 pm
The Embassy of Canada in Burkina Faso is hosting a Voluntary Principles workshop in Ouagadougou. The event will be held on September 26, 2019, from 2 pm to 5 pm.
The event will happen in the margins of the “Semaine des activités minières de l’Afrique de l’ouest (SAMAO)”, which will gather key players in the mining industry from several countries.
All stakeholders interested in the implementation of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (such as Mining companies, including Canadian companies, safety authorities, private security companies, defense and security forces, human right organizations, and policy makers) are welcome.
Event details
Les Principes Volontaires comme un outil de gestion des risques en matière de droits de la personne dans la sécurisation des activités minières en Afrique de l’Ouest
Date: September 26, 2019, 2-5 pm
Venue: Centre international des Conférences de Ouaga 2000, Room B
Registration: please contact Ludivine.Kielwasser@international.gc.ca
Click here to check the agenda (in French).